Guidelines for preparation and submission of Abstracts

Please fill in the form as below.

Presenting Author
Please write the surname of the authors followed by their initials. Each initial should be followed by a full-stop and a space.

Do not use prefixes such as Prof, Dr, Mr. or Mrs.
Ex: Brown A. B. C.

The presenting author must register and attend the Conference.

Other Authors
Please complete as necessary. Please write the surname of the authors followed by their initials. Each initial should be followed by a full-stop and a space.

Do not use prefixes such as Prof, Dr, Mr. or Mrs.
Ex: Brown A. B. C.

Corresponding Author
All fields are mandatory

Paper Type
Please select the type of the Paper from the drop-down menu

Title of Paper
Title must not exceed 25 words, should be brief but adequately reflecting the scientific content of the presentation. Must be typed in uppercase letters.

Previously presented/published work
If the work had been previously presented or published in whole or part, should be stated in the abstract submission form. This per say does not disqualify a submission.

Ethical Clearance
Please indicate whether ethical clearance has been obtained for the study, and the name of the awarding institution.

Please upload the certificate.

Clinical Trials
For clinical trials, the clinical registry details should be submitted.

The abstract in its final form must be written in English, using MS Word and uploaded as an attachment.

Paper size - A4

Number of Pages - One

Margins - 30 mm all around

Font - Times New Roman

Font size - 12

Spacing - Single-spaced

Alignment - Centre-aligned.

Spelling - English (United Kingdom)

Word limit of the abstract is 250. Please indicate the word count at the end of the abstract. Do not include any tables, figures or references.

Body of the abstract should contain the following:
    1. Introduction / Objectives
    2. Methods
    3. Results
    4. Discussion / Conclusions

Acknowledgements if applicable, should be confined to citing grants or funds utilised for the study in a single sentence in italics. One line space should be left between the text and the acknowledgements.

Abbreviations should be cited in full at first occurrence except for standard abbreviations.

Non-English and Technical Terms should be in italics.

Terms & Conditions

Abstracts not conforming to the given guidelines will be rejected without review.

Abstracts conforming to guidelines will be reviewed anonymously by an independent board of referees.

The result will be informed once review process is concluded.

The presenting author is required to register once the abstract has been accepted.

The presenting author needs to be ready with the oral presentation if the abstract qualifies for a podium presentation.

Abstracts must contain original scientific data collected by the author(s). All reports must be based on work that has already been completed. No studies "in progress" will be accepted. Any established research design or method may be used.

The Scientific Committee reserves the right to make alterations and to edit text to standardize/ improve the title / abstract.

The Scientific Committee reserve the right to request the 'Ethical Clearance Certificate' for the conduct of the study / Clinical Registry details if deemed necessary.

The Scientific Committee requests authors to kindly abide by publication ethics especially in the context of avoiding falsification of data, plagiarism, improprieties of authorship, misappropriation of ideas of others and failure to comply with legislative and regulatory requirements affecting violation of generally accepted research practices.

The authors should accept intellectual / ethical responsibility for the contents presented.

For further details please email with a contact WhatsApp Number

Chairman, Scientific Committee
Sri Lanka Association of Urological Surgeons (SLAUS)
c/o The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka
No 6, Independence Avenue
Colombo 07
Sri Lanka

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